Mercury~our connection to the
Part 1
This curious little planet is found in the same sign
as our Sun, or in the sign before or after the Sun.
It shows where we can communicate or convey our thoughts,
it governs intellect, speech, language, and the rational mind.
It also shows the forces or planetary actions
that are available to be channeled into learning. Thus forming the
foundation and wealth of knowledge for the rest of our lives. Badly aspected
or not expressing it's self correctly, Mercury brings learning disabilities
or problems with comprehension. It is a planet to be watched especially
in very young or school age children.
For those studying past lives, reincarnations,
and Karma, Mercury interfaces with
Saturn and Jupiter to point out Karmic debt and how it
might be best dispelled. Mercury shows how we evolve and how we
apply our experiences to our present life circumstances.
Mercury is a personal planet, showing
how and where our own needs should be taken care of when it comes to self
expression and understanding.
Mercury's Element
The element this quirky little planet appears
in shows a lot about how you think and communicate.
Fire shows independence and inspiration,
getting almost contagious enthusiasm.
Earth indicates solid, practical,
and pragmatic (some times boring) verbalizations and conceptualizations.
Air is witty, logical, and spouts a lot
of theory (as opposed to actual knowledge or experience, most of the time).
Water, ever the intuitive, the romanticist,
the mystic expresses wisdom, understanding, stimulating and entertaining
the world with a vivid imagination.
Mercury in the Houses
The House where Mercury appears
shows how the capacity for learning and communication is best expressed.
If doing Karma finding, it shows how relationships
are stimulated by patience, understanding, and communication. It instructs
the individual how best to work out Karma. (Mine is in the 3rd house showing
for me I must writing & teach others.)
First House: your outward appearance, mannerisms &
Second House: attitudes towards possessions & wealth
Third House: writing, teaching, acquaintances, record keeping
& story telling
Fourth House: family, heritage, history, pride of origin
Fifth House: children & creativity, adventures or personal
Sixth House: learning to care for one's self, remembering the
past, & relating with
the elderly
Seventh House: alliances, conflicts, interpersonal relationships
Eighth House: discovering the mysteries of life, phobias and
unusual desires, finances
Ninth House: religion, beliefs, travel
Tenth House: occupation, reputation, integrity
Eleventh House: belonging, being part of, group affiliations
& friendships
Twelfth House: fantasies, taking care of unresolved issues, dealing
with pain &
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